On-site Corporate Courses
We provide MHFA courses and bespoke mental health and wellbeing courses on-site at a time that suits your workers and creates a seemless training experience for your staff. This reduces the stress to staff of getting to another location and extra travel time and inconvenience to their home life.
Contact us and discuss how we can best provide training that assists your business to create a mentally health workplace.
Why book DiH Mental Health Training to provide your Mental Health First Aid Training?
Diane Hickey, Director and Certified Principal Master Trainer with MHFA (Australia), has over 20 years direct experience within the mental health industry and a Masters in Public Health. Diane is recognised for her training ability delivering successful outcomes. She and her other staff members, all who are certified Mental Health First Aid trainers, are committed to providing high quality training.
Diane has provided Mental Health First Aid training to Queensland Health staff, the Queensland Police Service, Endeavour Foundation and many other non-government organisations.
On-site Corporate Courses
Contact us to discuss your situation so that we provide options for you.